Monday, August 8, 2011

Moms Gone Wild!-volume 2 of the Dirty Secrets of Suburbia series

You've seen them, moms who cut loose when they're out without a husband or kids.  Groups of them sometimes, out celebrating a birthday, divorce, or just to blow some steam.  Your first thought is a judgement.

"How embarassing!"
"Wow, she's too old to be acting like that."
"Isn't she worried she might know someone here?"

But secretly you wish you had the nerve to be drunk and obnoxious and not care what anyone else thought for just a moment of your life.  A life that now has become all about your kids and husband.  A life full of obligations and commitments.  A life that leaves you wondering.... what happened to me?

Read the short story on Kindle or Kindle for iphone

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